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Ovid is the world's leading medical research platform covering 100+ specialty areas.

Advanced Search

Industry leading advanced search capabilities powering deep research

Article Search

Quick and intuitive article discovery for a wide range of medical professionals

Journals Browse

The latest journal literature accessible by title and specialty area

What's new on Ovid

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Screenshot of new search sharing buttons on the search page. Watch a short demo video.

Search sharing

Users can now easily share their searches via email or by copying a stable link.

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BioDigital Human displayed on laptop and smart phone.

BioDigital Human

Cloud-based, interactive anatomy teaching and learning solution that supports students and faculty across health and medicine.

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Screenshot of new term finder search option. Watch a short demo video.

Term finder

Definitions and additional context with MeSH® Terms and synonyms and integrating them into the interface when searching Ovid MEDLINE®.

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Clinical Evidence Manager

Organize, standardize and accelerate quality improvement, evidence-based practice and research projects across your organization.

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